Let Your Light so Shine


Let your light shine among others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

When I was young and I heard that verse, very often I was told that that verse was about evangelizing. But no, it is about us glorifying God by doing good deeds.

When we do good things among other people, when we make other people’s lives better, when people see us as creators of good in this broken world…they see it and glorify God.

In the end, isn’t that what we want?

When we stand before God at the end of time, do we want to hear him say:

“Well, you really kicked some butt down there on earth during that pandemic. You really showed ’em and told ’em about your Christian freedom! I bet those wussy American snowflakes won’t ever forget you!”

Is that even his character?

Or maybe would it be more in line with God’s character (and Scripture- particularly John 13:35) to want to hear him say:

“Well done. You have shown you are my disciples by loving one another.”

I am so thankful every time I read about:

  • Someone who has smiled and said thank you to a cashier at the grocery store or a delivery person.
  • Someone who gave extra to charities who are feeding the less fortunate.
  • The good-deed doers who secretly leave packages with supplies and treats on the porches of the elderly members of their congregation.
  • Someone who sent money to supply PPE to rural hospitals, Native American reservations and clinics.

People can see these good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.

How much better to be known as a person who glorifies God than someone who glorifies what they want.

In the end, isn’t that what we want?

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